Welcome feedback and suggestions,
Email us
Version:[7.3 |7.2 |[7.1 |[7.0 |[6.0 |[5.0 |[4.1 |4.0 |3.1 |3.0 |2.3 |2.23 |2.2 |2.1 |2.0 | 1.4 | 1.3 | 1.1 | 1.0 | Beta 2 | Beta 1]
By Alex
- Fast sent report first page load
- SendTemplateEmail API add approval judge
- Contact list choose subscriber display columns
- Sent, Open, Click, Unsubscribe, Conversion Pages show custome defined fields
- Optimise bounce summary page load speed
- Optimise all open and unique open page load speed
- Bounce Detail page add paging
- Send2 API don't send with engine
- Add Smartone MMS
- Campaign subject support emoji
- SMS Gateway support multi CMHK account
- Fix Send2 API don't add existed subscriber into list
- Campagin keyword search support chinese
- Member APP add banner
- SMS sent report show credit count
- yearly paymnet account can pay on interface
- Add OTP function and sent report
- support Non-forwarding OA
- MMS support backup route
- new subscribe and unsubscribe page design
- add attachment credit function
- UploadContactListFile API add clean up function
By Alex
- Anti-spam detection
- Contact list clean up
- Create email with template
- 42 new responsive templates
- Free trial account fair use policy: allow user to sign up 1 account per person by mobile phone verification(14 June)
By Alex
- Send SMS with CHIZAO
- email domain name typo
- Buy direct link and register
- Send MMS with AccessYou
- Preview test add search
- set campaign images host default domain
- Send SMS By SmarTone
- Spread Archive User Helper Box(How to show blocked images and content?)
- SMS Gateway SmartRoute
- Send SMS with 梦网
- API Send SMS with 梦网
By Alex
- Optimised creative A/B testing with higher open
- Select server for chinese mainland when register
- Lock list with 100 black list when upload
- New UI for report page, load faster
- Agent Department
- SMS approval
- URL Encryption
- SMS short url
- emoji to subject
- Use NetEase Level
- PermanentlyDeleted only for Deleted
- New UI for header navigation
- DoNotMail Domain
- SpamTraps
- Recharge and register account
- Email/SMS/MMS Usage Report
- Dashboard
- Subscripton Form Validation
By Alex
- set list display with red color when more than three black list
- make dns txt, a, mx record verify for sender email domain
- Copy to a list for sent fail
- Pop-up window for select list
- Add Exclude list
- ImageCard, Divider, GridLayout, RightCaption components for smart editor
- AB test for subject, AB test for From
- Multiple creative for smart editor
- Preview campaign
- Infinite custom field and primary key for Export role
- Subscriber primary key merge, update, skip upload
- Campaign approval
- Historical value for custom field
- Birthday trigger
- Updowntext, leftcaption, textimage components for smart editor
- Non-respondents Trigger
- Use list to send test email
- Default list for test email
- Dynamic list
- Preview mail list
By Alex
- Drag and Drop for Smart Editor component
- Copy and Detele for Smart Edtior component
- File Manager for Smart Edtior
- inline Editor for Text, Image, Complex component
- Multiple campaigns report
- Event Funciton
- Email Score, List Score
- Add AliPay
- Filter and set subscriber InActive
- Single sign-on
- Audit list after uploaded
- Resend for bounce
By Joe
- Send SMS
- Muti account - Jump to other account
- Chart Report - Show campaign tracking report in chart
- Inpage Analytics
- Export Campaign Detail as PDF
- Compatibility of Spread Editor - Spread editor is compatible for IE9,Chrome,FireFox,Safari,Opera
- Upload & Export with Excel2003 and Excel2007
- Security Export - Email export report will send to owner's email,basic user and emailmarketor
By Sheep
- Upload module - Background uploading
- Newletter Archive - Popup subscription form
- Tracking - More options of reports: not open, unique clicks, open by hour, conversion ...
- Campaign management - Folders
- Campaign management - Filtered search
- Delivery - Renewed footer
- Deilvery - Enhanced sending speed to more than 4x original
- Reports - Improved loading time
- Do not mail list
By Mike
- Adding Simplified Chinese user interface
- Improved contacts import report which showing number of non-delierables, spam reporter, unsubscribed and bounced (provided in Contacts > [Your contact list] > Contacts)
- Shortened contacts import time (provided in Contacts > [Your contact list] > Contacts)
- Advanced contacts filtering tool in each contact list (provided in Contacts > [Your contact list] > Contacts)
- More contact information can be stored (Gender, Date1, Date2, Fax, Url , Custom Fields up to 15)
By Mike
- Supporting SSL Encryption
- Adding Traditional Chinese user interface
- Supporting bounce back summary in bounce back report in Emails > [Email sent out] > Bounces
- Displaying all time value with respect to user's time zone setting in Spread interface. User's time zone setting is set according to user's Country provided.
- Allow user upload file to Spread server in Emails > [Email editing] > What
- Allowing user to defined required data fields(first name, last name,etc.) and displayed message in the sign-up form and welcome message after sign-up. (provied in Contacts > + Get sign up form code > Custom SignUp Form)
- Displaying current acccount usage in My Account > Current Usage
- Allowing email receiver recovers his subscription if unsubscribed by mistake
- A new navigation menu
- Allowing user resize the company logo to be upload in My Account > Contact Information
- A new email content editor
- Check whether Spreader's subscription limit before activating a deleted subscription.
- Navigation path lost after postback action.
By Mike
- Exporting Bounce Back Report in CSV format
- Quick Import in the WHO section during Campaign Editing
- Multi-Language support in Subscription website(English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and French)
- Allowing user send test email to any email address assigned
- Enhanced Spread Engine to avoid sending duplicate emails
- Supporting "Sender" property in outgoing campaign emails to enchance the deliverability
- Subscribers limit in the import process
- Supporting multi-language Footer in outgoing emails
- Sending multi-language Thank you/Confirm/Change Emails letter to the subscriber after subscribing through Web
- An "about us" page which shows the contact information of Spreader and allows subscribers to unsubscribe,update or report abuse.
- Long .com supported in subscription box.
- Allow Tracking urls contain colons in outgoing email (eg. http://www.abc.com:9999/)
- Personalize in Test email's From
- Support "Remove word formatting" in Campaign content editor
By Mike
- Ajax support in Register page
- Limiting the total subscribers of each account
- Auto activation of Spreader after Subscribed and paid thru Paypal.
- Localized campaign scheduler
By Mike
By Mike
- Auto-detect mail encoding
- Do Not Mail List
- Export - incorrect number exported.
- Export - add status field.
- Improved Engine Performance in update database records.
By Mike
- Newsletter Archive
It will be a good idea to let your customers, visitors and subscribers to see your
past newsletters. So you can now publish your newsletter to newsletter archives
and you can see them at
Spread won't publish your newsletter by default, you have to enable publishing when
send email campaign.
To increase your search engine visibility, the more contents you have on the Internet,
the more chance visitors reach you, so link to your own newsletter archive. You
can find the URL of your newsletter archive at
- Forward
To grow your email list, ask your subscribers to forward your email to their friends,
relatives and colleagues. Every email sent by Spread will include forward link or
you can emphasize more by inserting this code:
Forward this email
- Permission reminder
People may forget you if you have not contacted them for some time, so it will be
wise to remind why they receive your email.
TODO: you have to modify the default permission reminder to fit your audience e.g.
customers, subscribers, members. e.g. for members, you can say, "You received this
email because you signed up as a member of ABC at {URL}."
- Export subscribers
You can now export subscriber list by clicking menu Subscribers,
Export .
- Enhanced campaign reporting
* Bounce back message: You can now see bounce back message, why your emails cannot
be delivered. Note: email address with hard bounces like "non-exist email address"
will be deactivated instantly; emails address with soft bounces like "mailbox full"
will be deactivated after 10 times.
* Customize subscribers columns: you can see more details about subscribers in addition
to email address for reports on open, clicks etc.
- Enhanced email list builder
Grow your list by asking your web site visitors to subscribe your newsletter or
when you contact you, join your events. To publish newsletter subscription box code,
click menu Subscribers,
Build Permission Email List.
- Import Outlook contacts
Outlook contacts exported with default headers can now be imported into Spread directly.
- Deliverability
We have joined ISIPP email accreditation programme to improve deliverability.
- Encoding
Encoding of your emails will be auto-detected. However, if you need to specify the
encoding you want, click menu My Account,
- Campaign Sent report
When an email campaign was sent, a report will be sent to notify you.
- Help Centre
Get help from our help centre at
By Circle
- Handle spam/undelivered
- 50 professional email templates
- Upload and host images
- Powerful HTML email
Faster email delivery
Deliverable to earthlink.net
By Circle
- System enhancement and bugs fixes
- Enhancement
in Email Deliverbility
By Circle
New Features:
- Double Opt-in: Ensure that your subscribers do want to subscribe
- Permanent deletion of subscribers
- Tracking of WHEN the subscribers' open your emails
- No more than one email campaign/subscription can share same name
- All "Active" spreaders has automatically updated to "Premium version"
Bug Fixed:
- Adding personalized fields in URL
By Carlos
New Features:
- Reports: URL Tracking & Open Tracking - keep tracking your campaigns
- Manage Subscriber: import by your own file
- Accept Text (.txt), Comma Separated Value (.csv) and MS Excel (.xls) format
- Support up to 20MB file
- Personalization
- Sending campaigns with personalized format
- Subscribers would read their personal information only
- Simplified User Interface
- Edited format of date and font size
- A subscriber page for editing subscribers' information
- A detail page is added for subscribers to fill in their information during subscription
- Improved importing subscribers performance
- Allow auto redirect after subscribing by subscribers
Bug Fixed:
- Remove the hostname in URL of campaigns (only for hostname: app.rspread.com)
By Carlos
Bug Fixed:
- Wong Session during editing campaign
- Sending campaign without spreader's email
- Duplicate row when adding the same subscription into the campaign
- Improved validation in "Get Subscription Code"
- New status for subscription: Invisible - hide your subscription from your subscribers
- Improved performance in loading subscriptions
- More schedule option when sending campaigns
- Save campaign as draft when creating a campaign
New Features:
- Anniversary date
- Peak subscribers counting (per month)
- Payment system (through PayPal)
- Online tutorial
- New spreader status: Trial - 60 days trial and sending email to top 100 subscribers in each campaign
- The status of all beta test spreaders is changed to Trial and the anniversary date is changed to 3 Mar 2006.
By Carlos
Bug Fixed:
- Popup windows for viewing sample campaigns
- Textbox error handing
- Improved email engine - improved Spreading
- Tips for using Spread
- Receive verify emails when first register
- Edit Email header and footer
- Edited template interface - easy to use
- New template samples
By Carlos
First release for beta test
New Features:
- Campaign Management
- Subscription
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